Skyr cake with white chocolate


1 pack of Bastogne biscuits

150 g butter



Purée biscuits and butter together in a food processor. Press the biscuit mix to the bottom and up along the sides of a baking form. Keep the base in a refrigerator while making the filling.



250 g vanilla skyr

250 g strawberry skyr

3 dl single cream

1 tbsp icing sugar

1 tsp vanilla powder or paste

100 g white chocolate, melted

Berries and chocolate added according to taste



Lightly whisk the single cream, then add the skyr carefully using a spatula, along with the vanilla and icing sugar. Melt the white chocolate over a bain-marie and cool. Mix the chocolate carefully with the skyr mixture.

Place the skyr mixture on top of the biscuit base and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or more. Best overnight. This cake can be frozen. Decorate the cake according to taste, but my favourite is to sprinkle grated white chocolate over the cake and a few fresh berries. 

Luxury ice cream with chocolate chips

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